Friday, March 31, 2006

Business Bitch-Slapping

There is an unacknowledged hierarchy in the business-to-business world. You are the bitch of your customer, who are in turn, bitches of their customers....and so on. Consumers rarely see this, because they can bitch-slap a business anytime they want.

Interesting things happen when B2B transactions are done between businesses that are both customers and vendors to each other. Massive power struggles are waged to see who will accept the "bitch" status, and who will be master. Case in point:

My business gives freight to other trucklines for delivery. Some of these also give freight to me for delivery. We are both customers and vendors to each other. When the crap hits the fan...who budges? I had one of these call me yesterday and jump my shit about when our trucks were arriving to pickup their freight. How do I respond? If I accept their criticism, that I will allow this vendor/customer to dictate how I operate my business...I'm their bitch. If I put up any kind of fight, I stand to lose the revenue from the customer side of our relationship. But come on; I give them a lot of revenue too. Does this not at least elevate me from bitch status to tension-filled relationship significant other? Should I accept everything they have to say, apologize profusely...then hang up and redial to chew their ass about everything they do that bothers me? It is clinically insane.

I've had enough of being everyone's bitch. I put up a fight...and a damn mean one at that, and I lost their business. Interestingly, they said I was welcome to continue to drop my freight off for them to deliver. Apparently, they do not realize this immediately places them in bitch status with me without the counterweight of their revenue to me. On the other hand, continuing to provide them with revenue when they so coldly took theirs from me...makes me dependent on them for service without the counterweight of my service TO THEM. So in a sense..I'm still their bitch...because all they have to do if I voice displeasure with the level of service is say "take your freight elsewhere". Then I'm screwed because there isn't any "elsewhere" to go...and they know it.

This is why I hate business. It is also why some love it so much. The games. The power struggles. Some people love the contest and the ego trips so much they become great businessmen. Ever wonder why Donald Trump comes across as so arrogant? It is because he can. He is the top of the food chain; the place every business residing directly under the sphincter of another wants to be. Ken Lay, Skillings, et al let that power go to their heads, and directed their treachery and greed in the wrong their company & employees. Me? I've always said I am too nice of a person to be in business. Maybe I can get my own "Apprentice" style show where everyone completes tasks designed to make them nicer business people. But if I told them "you're fired", they would probably just argue with me anyway.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I feel like I've won the lottery

For the first time in 5 years, I am getting a tax refund. Over the past 5 years, I think I have paid in an additional $30,000 or so in taxes. This is ABOVE and BEYOND my normal withholding (which is set artificially high to begin with), and was a result of depreciation recovery (essentially capital gains) on equipment sold by my S-Corp status company during those years.

Happy Happy Joy Joy (for you Ren & Stimpy fans).

Though the refund will be a measly amount, it still beats having to pay a massive amount that I never seem to have on hand. I've been liberated...set free to waste my return like millions of normal Americans, on frivolous trips or wasteful materialistic goods that do nothing but promote excess. I'm going immediately to the K&L wine website to do my bit for the American economic recovery.

There IS hope for America after all.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


What the fuck was I thinking. Cold Turkey? I'd have better success losing 30 pounds in 5 days on the "grass & ipecac" diet. I managed to make it Saturday, Sunday and most of Monday before I realized how stupid this really was. Patches, lozengers, and gum containing nicotine were invented (and sell quite well I'd imagine) based on the fact that this cold turkey crap is REALLY hard, and prone to a very low success rate. Mama didn't raise no dummy...only a son with low will-power. I bought some nicotine gum Monday afternoon to help the cause.

So far so good. Nobody is dead or seriously maimed. I am still chew-free to the extent of being tobacco (albeit not nicotine) free. My head has stopped hurting, and my stomach no longer tells me I am hungry more than 7 times a minute.

We'll see how it goes. Updates to follow.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Today is a momentous day for me

I have finally given myself permission to stop using smokeless tobacco. I have been using chew consistently since the 8th grade, and it is time to stop. I don't enjoy it much anymore with a couple of major exceptions. Coffee and Copenhagen in the pre-dawn mist of a tournament day will always hold the strongest lure for me. Ditto for completing a great meal with same.

Sure, I've quit before. One time it was even serious and I stopped for 6 months. Then fishing season came around, and I was constantly beset with friends hawking Copenhagen and I realized...I really missed my long time companion. I broke under the self-induced pressure, and rejoined the legion of snuffites. That was over 10 years and THOUSANDS of dollars ago.

My friend, the Copenhagen can, has been upwardly mobile for many years while I have not. He runs with a more elite and affluent crowd these days, and I cannot afford to keep up. $5.39/can just to play with him; and my schedule is 4-5 times a week. That is some serious money over the course of a year...five years...or 20. When I started chewing, a can retailed for about a buck and a half. I warned Mr. Copenhagen repeatedly over the years that whenst it reached $5, I was done. He did not listen, and now I am. Sorry U.S.Tobacco Co., you really should have seen the writing on the wall.

Jefe-my Copenhagen brethren since college-has managed to kick the can from his life. Ask any long time chewer how hard this act is, then multiply it by two, and you can get some idea of the accomplishment. It's much harder than cigarettes to quit, and I know because I was addicted to these things long ago as well. more. My mouth is as tired as my wallet. Cold turkey for two weeks will do the trick. No patches, no gum, no hypnosis, no tapes, no meetings...just my desire to finally be rid of the beast forever.

The pain begins today.

If you fart in Hawaii...

during the month of April, chances are it will be noticed by 100 or more people. That is because there aren't any available airline seats to there until after April unless you want to pay VERY, VERY dearly, and bump some poor family off their flight.

According to NWA World Vacations, Hawaii is smokin right now, and hotels and airlines are booked to over capacity. I can verify this because of the 20 or so hours I spent online trying to get a vacation booked for my wife and I. According to NWA, the chance of getting an award flight with my frequent flyer miles is approximately akin to winning the lottery. In a note of irony, I actually found an award ticket and a regular fare ticket, our hotel choice, and rental car on Tuesday...but I could not reach my wife to confirm it would be OK. The next day guess what-no award flight any more, and the SAME package was $1700 MORE than the day before. Now, 3 days on, it is virtually impossible. I'm thinking about sending Nextel the bill for the difference. After all, it was their cell phone service that cost me the trip.

But it has been raining cats and pineapples for over 10 days in the islands, that is why I started to look. I figured #1) the chance of good weather moving in for my trip is exponentially increased due to the freakish weather they have been having lately and #2) others would not book due to the weather. Apparently every one else is playing odds like I am, because it is nearly impossible to find a flight within the next two weeks at any sane price level (I CAN find two round trip first class seats for about $2200 per person...I think I'll pass.)

Oh BTW, the hut on that backwater South Pacific island lagoon I posted about?
Try about $1000 / night for Bora Bora and Fiji. I think I will just spent $1000 total on some good booze and a sun lamp, stay home, and get drunk enough for a week that I don't know if I am in Fiji or the Arctic.

Nahh...we're looking for a change.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Those Darn Brits!

The box containing my British made Arcam AVP700 processor has the following warning printed on the side: "Contains Sensitive Electronic Equipment, Useless if Dropped".

Useless if dropped. Not just plain "Fragile", or "Caution", or some vagary that Americans might use to stave off a lawsuit, but "Useless". That pretty much clears it up don't you think? I can see a Monty Python sketch coming out of this.

"I want to return my kit because I've dropped it and it is now useless."

"I'm sorry sir, there are perfectly good uses for that piece. I can't take it back, so sorry. Now off ya go."

"But it says right on the box..Useless if dropped. I've taken a tumble with it myself..smashed it up good I'd say. Now if you'd just exchange..."

"What about a coffee table?" Yes, I can see it would make a perfectly good coffee table if you'd just put your mind to it. Silly man, off you go".

"But I..."

"Doorstop, litterbox, anchor, platter, planter, sink, welcome mat, nick-nack, birdcage, animal trap, trash bin...How many more would you like? Now piss off before I think of more, and don't come back until it can't be used"

Stock Tip

I found the BEST invention for those with's called Roomba. I thought this was a gimmick when I was asked by my lovely wife to investigate. It's not folks. This thing is the real deal. I picked one up this weekend and set it loose on the dog hair in our house.

COOL! A robotic vacuum that works unattended. This little bugger works like a busy little bee driving around the house vacuuming up all the hair in sight. When it needs charging, it retreats to it's home base to get some juice. All you do is push "clean" and the Roomba sizes up the room, calculates how long it will take, and sets off to do your menial chore. It drives around like a drunken sailor, bumping into chairs and walls and redirecting itself around obstacles to get at all the dirt on your floors. It really is very thorough; I know because I spent a couple hours watching it work. How lame am I?

We got it as a way to mitigate the dog hair between normal cleaning sessions, and it appears this will work perfectly in that mission. You can program it to clean at night, while your away...anytime you need a quick cleanup. Best thing about it is that it really works. It is not a toy and it is a little pricey, but this thing is going to take off huge. Call your stock broker today!

Friday, March 17, 2006

I'm fried, toast, bushed, beat and drained.

By the time I am done loading trucks tonight, I will have worked somewhere around 82 hours this week. Not just office work, but about 35 hours of hard physical labor as well.

It better be a while before I do it again. That's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

#$%@&#! Weather!

I've had it. No really...I am going to snap. There is now 5 fresh inches of snow already today, and it is still going like crazy. This to go on top of the 13 inches we got Monday...When will it end? My business is STILL behind from Monday's dumping. I have been working 18 hour days all week trying to get back on top of things, but it aint working. Now we will be set back today as well, so the hole gets deeper. Customers are mad. I am ornery, tired, and frustrated. Things can only get better, can't they?

Calgon, take me away. I need a REAL break, like some friggin backwater Pacific island where all I have to worry about is what to do with all those little umbrella thingies from the drinks. Maybe one of those huts out on the water in Fiji, catching tonight's sushi dinner right from the king sized bed. Yeah...That's the ticket. That's what I need and that's what I will never get.

I hate responsibility. It makes you forego things you desire and need, and pays you back with more problems. I know I can't go anywhere right now and I hate it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Today's Bitch: Healthcare

People, we've got to do something about this brokeass healthcare system in this country. I just completed our health insurance renewal for my company and it was the same old story: less benefits costing more money. If you are one of those people who think this system does not need reform, you have only been a consumer and not a purchaser of it.

It now costs me upwards of $100,000/ year to provide insurance for only 12 participants. My realtime health insurance costs have increased 72% over 6 years, with increases in deductibles along the way to help mitigate my costs. Pay increases can't keep up to help employees, and revenue increases can't keep up to help me (it may even hurt by demanding more workers who will in turn need insurance). Insurance companies penalize me and my employees based on group history. Seven years ago, my insurance increase was 125% in one year based entirely on ONE EMPLOYEE'S SPOUSE who had terminal cancer. Is that not the very people who need the insurance? Is that not the risk that is taken when providing the coverage? We are not talking about flood insurance for waterheads who build their house on fucking stilts directly in the path of 20 hurricanes a year. We are not talking about life insurance for a skydive instructor, or automobile liability for the blind driver. We are talking about health insurance, and I am sure his wife would have rather not died of the cancer.

Find me another industry where you are IN BUSINESS to take a risk, and then are not only able to reap huge profits if you were correct, but actually implement increases to recoup from this years crop last years losses if you were wrong. It's a goddamn racket. Every health insurance company in America should be brought up on Federal racketeering charges under the RICO act. How does it translate that the death of person from cancer is indicative that another will contract it this year? Death is a one time event folks. My group's statistical odds for cancer cannot be worse from one year to the next, so how has the risk increased for the insurance providers? It has is just a license to print money to maintain profit margins.

Small business owners have been screaming about this for years, but nobody is listening. Mention health care reform in public and you are drawn and quartered as a heretic. There is too much money being made off the backs of businesses and citizens to kill the cash cow just yet. I tell my insurance agent he better start looking for a another line of work because the revolt is coming. Employers will stop offering coverage...the industry is killing it's customer base like no other industry I know.

He agrees.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Lame Ass Joke of the Day

Q: What motto was the driving force behind the creation of the sybian machine ?

A: "If you build it, they will cum"

Got Snow?

Yesterday was one for the books. In some locales close to here, they received 17+ inches of snow. At noon at my house I had 11 inches. Whew! What a great day for my wife to be traveling home, and what a hectic day for me.

The dogs woke me up at 3:20 AM and I never went back to sleep. By 6:30 I was off in the blizzard to work, and the workday was a complete disaster. After work, I went home and could not get my car in the driveway because of a couple of pine trees that fell over across the driveway. I had to get my chainsaw and cut them up before I could even start to plow. After 1 1/2 hours of plowing, I quickly had to feed the dogs and take off for the Twin Cities to pick up Jodi.

Her plane was 5 1/2 hours late...and they lost her bags to boot!

As I crawled back into bed at 2:20 AM I was barely coherent. I now have a raging headache and another long day ahead. How much money can you make selling drinks on the beach in Mexico? I don't know, but I'm looking into that today.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Winter is finally here, and it should be spring by now. A blizzard is pounding West Central Wisconsin and most of Minnesota as I type this. At work, it is just me and two other people who managed to brave it to come in. 6 inches have already fallen, underlayed by ice....and it is still going strong with 40 mph winds.

I hate winter.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Jackson Loses Playground

Pediphiles and litigious parents will have to hunt elsewhere for the time being. Michael Jackson's neverland ranch has been ordered to cease operations for of all things...failure to pay wages & insurance.

I guess watching the unnatural stream of young boys visiting a middle-aged recluse on a self-funded childrens park/compound was acceptable...until it no longer paid.


Ahhh...the sweet smell of a Friday in the spring. Kind of gives you hope doesn't it?

Jodi is evidently enjoying her trip to see Susan in Seattle. She has called a couple of times to check in. I am planning a marathon house cleaning session on Sunday so things are done when she gets home Monday. She always says "just don't leave the sink full of dirty dishes" when she goes on trips, but I know she appreciates more.

My parents are making their way home from Florida as I type this. They stay for 3-4 months in the winter to escape the Wisconsin cold and snow. It will be good to see them again. I have no plans but to clean and do my friggin taxes this weekend. I know, you can't believe what an incredibly exciting life I neither. There are some new books and new music coming from Barnes & Noble today, so maybe I will get a chance to start one of them this weekend.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Is Post 9/11 Diplomacy Dead?

President Chirac's announcement of Nuclear retaliation if France were to be targeted with terrorist attacks should bring into question the efficacy of diplomacy in the post 9/11 world. France has evidently come to the (correct) realization that the legacy of the Treaty of Westphalia...diplomacy, is no longer a useful tool in Nation State interactions involving non-Western powers. Diplomatic negotiations provide only limited results even between subscribing Western Nations when dealing with each other. The leadup to the Iraq invasion will stand in history as a failure of Western diplomatic methods between European partners no matter whose side you were on. Diplomatic efforts fair much worse in Middle Eastern countries, where it is generally ineffective.

The current Iranian nuke scare is the foremost example. Middle Eastern countries; with their history of caliphates, kingdoms and tribal warring, still seem incapable of grasping the rudimentary concepts of diplomacy that have been the gold standard of Western Nations for centuries. Sure it did not always work amongst us, but the talks continued until the spears or bombs flew..and often for some time afterwards. During this process, there was at least a chance that the two sides might see eye to eye eventually. Diplomatic negotiations are successful if, and only if, one side can convince the other of the strength or correctness of it's argument. Compromises, where possible, were par for the course. But the process is balanced on the tenet that all sides were listening to each other, and capable of making rational decisions based on correct information. Currently, Western powers cannot convince Iran of why it is impossible for them to be a nuclear state. Our argument is valid, and it's conclusion universally accepted, but Iran is not listening. Viable compromises have been offered, plans laid out and solutions no avail. Iran seems bent on ushering in the blood relative of diplomacy, armed conflict, for the sake of pride alone. It is a remnant of their Ancient culture, peculiar in this day and age to Middle Eastern countries and those still floundering in the Communist manifesto. It must be remembered that rationality prevailed in preventing a nuclear exchange between the United States and The Soviet Union. This was possible because Russia's history was one of diplomatic participation up to the Communist revolution. The idea was revived with difficulty...but it eventually carried the day. I fear this change impossible in Iran, and elsewhere in the Middle East. Sadly, the outcome cannot be good for anyone.

Chirac has now apparently "given up" on the process of diplomacy with Middle Eastern states. In a certain sense, he has actually revived (as has Bush) the long lost aspect of diplomacy which holds Nation States responsible for actions of their citizens. His announcement is an attempt to return to this precept, and dispense with the proven useless act of Western style diplomacy in relation to such countries.
Diplomacy will now be carried out in the form of a threat...a very big one. Choose to ignore it at your own peril, because there will not be discussions if the line is crossed. It is a long overdue sign of frustration in attempting to negotiate with those who will not listen.

Lottery Mania

It's been said millions of times, "If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is....."(fill in the blank with your own deluded vision).

If I won, the fourth thing I would do is track down a case of 1982 Cheval Blanc Bordeaux, fly immediately to where it was located, pay whatever it took to get it, and drink a bottle right on the spot. I'd give one to Jefe too, because he would be there with me.

In case you are wondering, the first three things I would do would be:

1. Shit my pants
2. Call my Attorney & Accountant to hear them shit their pants in unison
3. Disconnect my phone and unlist my number

In reality, I would probably be doing all 4 things simultaneously.

Be Careful DHL!

I finally found an Internet wine shop with the 2003 Cantonella Cervoles Costers del Segre IN STOCK. Miracles do happen I guess. K & L wine merchants is the place, and it has been rated the #1 Internet wine shop by Wine Spectator and Money magazine. I guess we'll see how it goes with this trial shipment. The shopping experience was excellent, and I don't think $53.00 was too bad for a case of wine next day delivery from CA to WI. I also ordered some of the 92 rated 2003 Capcanes Mas Donis Barrica for an incredible $11/bottle! SWEET!

If you have not yet discovered the absolute beauty and value of Spanish red wines, run..don't walk, to your nearest juice monger and ask to see what all the fuss is about. You won't be dissapointed.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Paging Simon Wiesenthal

I guess the idea of stimulating your students is old fashioned today. Curious that this story should pop up now due to the fact that I had a discussion with a teacher the other night about this very debate. Not the Bush = Hitler one, but the idea of teachers being restrained from deviating outside Administration policies and thinking for themselves. It was interesting to say the least. During our discussion, she indicated her frustration with coworkers and the forced curriculum for failing to encourage critical thinking skills in those they taught. "Education has become a business...nothing more" she said. How right she is in my opinion. Businesses have rules. Businesses have schedules, doctrine, and single mindedness of purpose that really are not conducive to free critical thinking. A teachers job has therefore become a "chapters are sales goals" mentalilty where success is measured in how far into the syllabus you can get in the allotted time.

Much more superficially, I happen to agree with Mr. Bennish in his rhetorical point of view. As a dedicated student of Military and World History, I know that the argument is at least valid. Bush's propaganda is nearly identical to the platform of the early Nazi movement in it's delivery and dogma. Appeals for action in the name of a greater good, promises of solutions designed for the betterment of Citizen's lives, protection from those that wish to harm us, and the consensus of being backed by God in these undertakings are ALL components of both Bush and Hitler. It is a with it and let's talk about it from a point of view of how far it might be taken. It is clearly propaganda designed to reiterate the deeply held beliefs of the Party, whichever one you choose; and it's purpose is to mitigate or to re-enforce the mood of the populous. Mr. Bennish clearly stopped short of the huge difference between Hitler and Bush because there is no rationale for comparison in the area of actionable support for said propaganda. George Bush is not advocating and formulating a plan for the ethnic cleansing of 8 million people. He is not BLAMING terrorists and Muslims for U.S. domestic woes, as Hitler singled out the Jews for Germany's. He has no fetish for reclaiming long lost lands, or for reunification of master races and nationalities as did Hitler. Mr. Bennish is clearly exposing what is the truth in the dogma and delivery of historical propaganda in order that his students get a larger picture of the shaping of the World Politic. Critical thinking would allow his students to take that lesson wherever the so desired. They MIGHT then ask themselves "where might this lead?" What might be the cost? What are my duties as a US Citizen in evaluating this leadership and it's direction? There is no "contrary position" to the process of critical thinking. Balancing the content would have dictated that Mr. Bennish portray the normal state of affairs of dullard lemmings. His goal was simply to fire the thought process beyond regurgitation of fact and the study of theory to get to underlying processes not always called on by the average Citizen.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Ok, so I'm perusing the "Answers" section of Yahoo! recently looking for the meaning of life and I am suddenly struck by a revelation: A cure for acne, hair loss, and dental disfigurement has been found while I was sleeping! How could I have missed such significant cosmetic advancements? I mean...come on kiddies, every single one of you is being represented by an Avatar that looks straight from the screen of A Saturday morning cartoon. No halitosis here thank you very much! Lazy eye...what the hell is that and wasn't it cured in windows 3.1 anyway? Can't you see from my Avatar that I have big, moist, comforting eyes that are even winking at you like I might find you attractive? No bloodshot "I had too much tequila last night" happening here.

Where is the outrage by the Youth of today against "The Man" for singlehandedly pigeon-holing them into such forced perfection? When I was a kid, we had to use actual PHOTOS...and we LIKED it! Raw realism..that's what it was all about. Where is the Avatar depicting severe scarring Acne? What about those Rosecea sufferers forced to represent themselves as Oil of Olay spokesmodels? Is there no one who battles for white teeth anymore, has a neck sporting a double chin, or a congenital birth mark squarely planted on their nose? Exema sufferers abandon the Net as early as 1987 by the looks of things.

Rise up normal people and revolt! Cast off the chains of animated oppression that's been sticking it to you for years with it's "perfect faces" and "selectable skin tones". Demand from the Avatar gods the realism you deserve when choosing to animate your likeness on the Net. We want sunburn! We want crowsfeet! Bring out the coldsores! Those shall be our rallying cries. Give us those scars from that terrible house fire you've been hiding from us all this time...WE WANT OUR INDENTITIES BACK!

Remember kids, you can't send your Avatar to a job interview...not yet anyway. You can sleep with your girlfriend's Avatar, but it will be vaguely unsatisfying, possibly messy, and definitely prone to lacerations. Get in touch with the REAL you now, before it's too late. Lets return the world to it's pimple ridden glory days by forcing ourselves to be...(gasp)....ourselves.


The TV installation went even better than anticipated this weekend. There is nothing much too hard about setting up a new television...right? Well, when you're dealing with high definition feeds to a place you don't even have cable run to, it can get a little tricky. It took about 4 hours to run and hook up all the wires, install the pivoting mounting arm, ready the HD cable box, and get everything in sync. A few minor bugs later, we were enjoying high definition in the kitchen...but why?

Ask my wife. My kitchen now looks like a sports bar. I have no idea why she wanted a TV in the kitchen...she does not even cook (but I still love ya honey!) Now that it's done, I guess it will be kind of cool. I certainly never opposed the idea, so what can I say?

In any case, it gave Jeff and the two of us an excuse to get out for some vino and food. We had a great dinner at the Creamery and two great bottles of wine along with it. Upon our return, Jeff and I proceeded to make it completely through the campaign mode of Star Wars "Battlefront II" on the X Box by playing until 1:30 AM. When we got up Sunday, we made a pot of coffee and played through the "Galactic Conquest" mode of the same game. It was awesome spending time with Jeff for a couple of days with relatively little work to be done. In the recent past, if the two of us spent time over the weekend, chances are there was some serious construction duties going on. It was good to just relax.

Jodi is leaving for Seattle tomorrow for her week with Susan, and I need to get my tax stuff together. So the prospects are already not good for a fun week for me. We shall see.

Friday, March 03, 2006

More About Dogs

My wife and I have earned a place in local lore due to our experience with Hudson. Since Jodi is a Physical Therapist, dogs that need to receive some therapy have been referred to us for an informal consult. There are no facilities in the immediate area for any kind of canine therapy; and since Jodi has such a love for dogs, she often volunteers on the side to assess and care for injured dogs for free.

The latest "patient" is a 95 pound St. Bernard named Greta. Greta was hit by a car and left for dead at the end of her owners driveway. The A-hole that did it never stopped or even called. When she was found, she was taken post-haste to the Vet, where she was pronounced free of broken bones but in very bad shape. Greta was exhibiting signs of paralysis in one of her front and rear legs, and was unable to stand or move for a week after the incident. The Vet concluded the dog needed some therapy services...but as I said, there is not any around. The owners found out about our experience with immobile dogs and contacted Jodi for some advice. Jodi paid Greta a visit and did an evaluation, and has since been back many times for Greta's therapy sessions. Greta's family have three small children and one on the way. They were unsure of what to do with Greta due to her lack of mobility, and were going through the same agonizing decisions we faced so long ago. Jodi and I offered to be available to take care of Greta if they needed it because we know how hard it is to ask someone to come and lift your dog outside three times a day for potty breaks. This does not have to become a reason to put Greta down, though it very well might. Jodi and I even consulted with each other privately and agreed that if Greta was to be euthanized, we would offer to take her in before letting that happen. She is a great dog..and still just a pup.

Greta's progress seem to be moving slower than it should; and there was some inflammation around the lumbar spine area that was not showing signs of dissipating. After consulting with the Vet, it was discovered that X-Rays taken immediately after the accident did not encompass the rear quarters. Jodi suggested a new photos of the dog's rear be taken and the owners agreed. The new X-Rays showed a one fractured vertebrae,as well as a broken process off another one. This was the reason for Greta's problems and her slow recovery. Therapy was changed immediately to account for the danger of the broken bone...Jodi did not want to MAKE the dog paralyzed for good.

Greta is doing well and the bones are healing, and I think we have found some new friends in the process. It just goes to show how people make all the difference in the lives of animals if they just care a bit and take the time to show it