Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Got Snow?

Yesterday was one for the books. In some locales close to here, they received 17+ inches of snow. At noon at my house I had 11 inches. Whew! What a great day for my wife to be traveling home, and what a hectic day for me.

The dogs woke me up at 3:20 AM and I never went back to sleep. By 6:30 I was off in the blizzard to work, and the workday was a complete disaster. After work, I went home and could not get my car in the driveway because of a couple of pine trees that fell over across the driveway. I had to get my chainsaw and cut them up before I could even start to plow. After 1 1/2 hours of plowing, I quickly had to feed the dogs and take off for the Twin Cities to pick up Jodi.

Her plane was 5 1/2 hours late...and they lost her bags to boot!

As I crawled back into bed at 2:20 AM I was barely coherent. I now have a raging headache and another long day ahead. How much money can you make selling drinks on the beach in Mexico? I don't know, but I'm looking into that today.

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