Wednesday, October 18, 2006

X-actly how long?

Aaahhh! Here come those collections calls. No more fibbing, no more beating around the proverbial bush. Now I can say with complete and total honesty that nothing whatsoever will happen with your payment until December. Most people who have called are shocked by the brutal honesty. You tell someone right to their face you are planning to completely ignore their ass for two months, all they can do is pick up their jaw. Such honesty should be rewarded in business...but unfortunately it never is. At least they know where they stand! Save some money on the phone calls I tell them.

Truth is that until the public auction is over, I can't do anything about it. You gotta have a total on "X" before you can say how big a share of "X" is coming your way.

I have been swamped by the shitpickers: carrion feeders whose job it is to take wild stabs at purchasing your stuff for pennies on the dollar. Nice try guys. It's bad...but the building is not on fire. Some people would be tempted to take the easy sale at lower money just to be rid of the headache. Not me. Getting top dollar for my assets is my new career for the next two months, and I've got nothing better to do.

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