Friday, September 15, 2006

Looking fishy

Yesterday morning I got up really early and went trouting on a local stream before work. When I arrived home, I had the following message on my answering machine:
"This is the Dunn County Sheriffs office trying to reach (me or my wife). One of our deputies observed a white Chevy Tahoe registered to (me & my wife) parked on County road K, just south of Hwy 12 at 7:07 this morning. The vehicle is fine where it is parked, but we are just curious what it was doing there. Please call us back and let us know. Thanks."

I can't really believe they bothered to call. My car was parked right next to the bridge crossing the creek, off on the shoulder, with fishing gear in the back. What did they think I was doing? They see trout fishermen parked similarly all the time.

So I called them back and told them I was trout fishing. I felt a little angry for having to account for my whereabouts and actions, especially since I was not breaking any laws, so I formulated the following explanation in my head...but decided at the last minute not to stir the pot:
"Hi, this is (my name) calling back about my vehicle being suspiciously parked on County Rd. K. What was I doing there? Well burying a body of course. Yeah, I drug that sucker upstream a good mile before I started to dig. I would have went somewhere more inconspicuous, but I was too drunk to fact, I think I may have hit a pedestrian on my way there. You may want to check the hospitals for the recently admitted. Oh and by the way, next time have your deputy stop and give me a hand. Dragging bodies upstream is a real chore."

I'm sure that would have got my point across. If I was doing something wrong, do you think I would just call them up and explain it to them?

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