Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dead Ringer

Disclaimer: I do not have a "thing" for this person. Jodi, if you're reading this, I post this purely as a harmless observation.

I have found myself watching movies starring Scarlett Johannsen with a little more interest than I give to other shows. There was always something weird about her; something that made me a little uncomfortable when I saw her films. I kept thinking I had met her or something, which is completely ridiculous, yet she always seems so...familiar to me.

This morning it finally dawned on me while I was watching her give an interview on TV:

She looks E X A C T L Y like a woman I dated in college years and years ago. How this resemblance escaped me for so long is completely baffling given that it is so obvious to me now. At least I have solved the "weird feeling", even though Jodi will probably never let me watch one of her movies again.

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