Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I have completely decimated the hornet nest. The pointy little terrorists were obliterated by my air campaign of streaming bombs of Raid Wasp & Hornet killer. Yesterday, sympathetic hornet press photographers were busy staging the dead carcasses for photo ops, while others busied themselves photoshopping pictures to show larger clouds of insecticide. Reuters has evidently bought up the pictures.

The backyard council of insects sent me demands for a cease fire, which was then promptly violated by additional stings to me. I called in the reserve force of three cans of raid, and mounted an all out ground campaign to rid the backyard of these terrorists once and for all. Neighboring bees of all kinds heard the call to Insectihad, and were crushed by superior firepower as they found martyrdom at my feet. It was an orgy of killing. Thousands lay dead or dying as the council sat in it's uselessness; completely impotent to my power.

I posses the insect equivalent of a nuclear bomb, and yesterday was V.I. (Victory Insect) Day. The great war is finally over, and the backyard is once again safe for Democracy... and my dog.

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