Friday, February 08, 2008

Flor De "I've got a headache"

I'm pretty much finished cleaning the house. Jodi has to work all weekend, so I cleaned it to take some pressure off of her. It was to be a surprise, but she surprised me by coming home at lunch and scaring the bejeezus out of me because I had the ipod cranked and did not hear her come in. You look up and someone is standing there where there wasn't someone only a second ago? Freak out time. Now what to make for dinner? Tonight it has to be great.

The trifecta of a clean house, great dinner, and the 2003 Flor De Pingus SHOULD guarantee I'm gettin' jiggy wit' it tonight. But alas, as a married man, all I can do is my best to provoke it.

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