Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You're HOW old?

Yes, today is my birthday. You can say "Happy Birthday" if you want, but it will probably be anything but that. Number one...it's cold. I mean it's F#@$%*# COLD! The temp this morning was -14 when I got up, so that kind of puts a little damper on celebration activities. There will be no ice fishing today. No thank you! This Arctic blast has been going on for about a week now, and I'm sick of it.

Secondly, well...there's all that other stuff going on. The significance of the B-Day is that I have managed to ingest another year of it. Tomorrow, the cup will start to fill again with my 40th year of shit, which I will Jonestown-like consume next January 22nd, all the while proclaiming myself wiser and stronger for having done the previous 39 doses. Unlike the Rev. Jones though..I have no followers. Not a SINGLE B-day card in the mail! It's like Molly Ringwald in 16 Candles...except there is no one to "forget"...there is just "no one".

Contrary to popular opinion, there is a bit of good news around here. Jefe is making the pilgrimage to my house this weekend for some wine and X-box. Should be fun. I have not tied on a good drunk in about 3 days, so I'm due.

1 comment:

Donna O said...

I hope you had a nice birthday!

I love your survey but you shouldn't bother yourself with who reads the blog. Do it because you enjoy it. I've been blogging now for almost ten years and I have a total of about 5 readers, 1 of which is my mom. That number has actually decreased by about half since I declared my political affiliation. Even my mom stopped reading! So to heck on readers! Who needs 'em!

Happy Birthday!