Friday, December 08, 2006

Real Time Auction Report

The sale is happening, and for the most part, it's going well except for one thing...

A man keeled over dead. No shit. A guy had what everyone guesses was a massive coronary and dropped dead where he stood. Some first responder trained auction bidders started CPR right away, with my wife doing the breathing part. They continued until the EMTs came, but it ultimately proved fruitless. The med-flight helicopter was onsite when the ambulance EMTs waved him off and pronounced the man dead. Then we had to wait for the Medical Examiner and Coroner to remove the body. All this while hundereds of agitated bidders looked on and waited.

All this time the sale is trying to go forward. I feel very bad for the family of the deceased man, and my wife was very shook up that a man died right under her, but the disruption to the sale may prove the biggest fatality of all. Some people left, others got mad. Mass confusion reigned for about an hour, and then a general malaise for another two.

Just now I hear the auctioneers entering the part of the facility to continue the sale in the area just cleared of the body. Whaddya gonna do? The sale HAS to continue. I just hope people are not too freaked out. I'm a fricken wreck.

I can't fucking believe someone died at my auction. Of all the things you plan for, this aint one of them.

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