Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Primitive Man

I had pretty much sworn off bowhunting for this year because of my previous lack of interest and my schedule, but I am obviously reconsidering. Last night I spent the evening gathering all my gear, washing my clothes in scent-free soap, and tuning up the bow. I have plans to rework some stands at the shack this weekend; clearing shooting lanes and doing a little scouting work. For you diehard bowhunters out there...I know I am late. Normal prep work for me starts in July for the September opener, but I'm behind the eight ball this season. It's already open and I'm unprepared.

Apparently I am planning on hunting after all.

The smell and the sense of fall must have worked it's timeless spell on me yet again. I say it must have, because two weeks ago I really had no interest in investing all the time and effort into another 2 month archery season. Now I do...kind of.

Who knows if I will actually shoot this year, as I have passed on the killing part for about 5's a personal thing. But I so much enjoy the feeling of being in the woods, the spirit of the chase, and the world class chess match it requires to outsmart a whitetail buck, that I can't resist participating even if I don't take it to fruition by taking a shot.

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