Thursday, June 15, 2006

You're outta here!

The neighborhood ladies book club is meeting tonight at my house, what fun (NOT!) My wife stupidly took this on, as if she actually has time to read. Now she pines for a graceful way out as she realizes this is not really about books, but about touring each others houses.

The hostess of the party gets to select the next book for all to read, so I suggest she select the three volume chronicle of the Civil War, by Shelby Foote. Each paperback is about four inches thick, and yes, there are three of them. I've completed it...But just barely.

They either won't meet for another year, or she will be cast out of the club halfway through the first volume.

Problem solved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you need another recommedation, Tears, Sorrow and Pain by Tad Williams is a 3 book fantasy series with the first two books at 700+ pages each and the last book being 1600+ pages. I read the series in about 5 months. That should do them in.