Monday, June 12, 2006

What do you make of this?

Shooting sporting clays Sunday, there was a kid and his father in my group that I did not know. The other 3 people obviously knew them, but I was apparently the outsider.

At one of the stations known as the "rabbit" station (because the clays roll on the ground to simulate the bouncing flight of a rabbit), a real rabbit ran out of the brush. The kid, angry at his shooting performance I guess, shot and killed the rabbit for no goddamn reason other than the fact that he could. His father, along with everyone else but me, made jokes about it and laughed like there was no tomorrow.

Bastards. I felt ashamed to even be associated with these Cretins, but worse yet...
I said nothing. I'm already the outsider, why was I so afraid to become even more so?

If I had my way, the boy & his father would have been gun eat the rabbit raw on the spot. I guarantee they would never kill for fun again.

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