Tuesday, June 20, 2006


At some point when you start telling people about your blog, do you feel constrained about what you can write? Now that people I know (other than Jefe) are reading this, it makes me feel like I can't be as open in what I write.

Does that make me fake in real life, or fake on this blog? Interesting questions.


Anonymous said...

I agree with your thought, but then why blog... If you cannot say what you want to, you are not blogging, which is why you started to blog. I would much rather have you say what you want to say, then tone it down since others are reading. As I have said before, I consider this blog required reading. If you change the content to possibly not hurt someone's feelings, is it still required reading??????

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean but if you can't say something for fear someone might read it-- is it really worth writing? I mean, if you dont want someone you know reading it, then why is it okay for strangers to read? My father reads my blog and believe you me, it really keeps me in line. There are times I would like to write stuff that I'd prefer to keep from my father but if i don't want my dad reading it, then I don't want anyone reading it.