Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Don't Bother

Anyone who knows me knows that the Flaming Lips are one of my favorite bands. Their latest album "At War With the Mystics" is absolute junk. Wayne Coyne has finally flipped his lid, and the result of crossing over to the insane side is that their music has lost it's edge.

Most of what made their previous efforts so outstanding was him teetering on the brink. Now he is a full-blown nutjob. I began to wonder when I saw the live performance on Austin City Limits. Coyne draped himself in the American flag, poured blood on his head, and sang Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" to a stunned Texan audience. I immediately knew where the next album was both going to, and coming from...the toliet.

Like similar great musicians who now have shit-for-brains (Prince comes to mind), the music becomes a downward spiral into self involvement...Meaningless odes to their own flaccid minds and beliefs. Really sad. The lips were once rebels, thinkers, and mad scientists; the quintessential expanders of genres. The latest effort is a spew of drivel straight from Coyne's now deeply disturbed mind. Don't bother.


Anonymous said...

Note to self: Listen to the Lips earlier stuff....

Eric said...

Indeed. Though it is not much earlier, "The soft bulletin" and "Yoshimi" albums would be a much better choice for the uninitated.