Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Required Reading

Once again, VDH has proven that a solid historical background cuts deeply to the chase in the 21st Century. This article should be required reading. If you find yourself at odds with the conclusions, catch yourself saying "Bush is the one forcing the Iranians back to the wall" or similar claptrap, then you are simply devoid of historical precedence.

The analysis provided by Hanson is spot on. Not just because it echoes my own thoughts on Western involvement in the Middle East, but because it is so true to historical precedence. Islamofascist countries have not yet fully experienced the 10% craziness of a Western Democracy in the way they would if a nuclear weapon detonates in one of our cities. Not only that, but as VDH points out, they can't even conceive of it. Gulf War I, Afghanistan, Invasion of Iraq...These come close. But they are nothing compared to the total annihilation that would be wrought on a offender with the US and Europe on a total war footing; waging Western style war on Military and infrastructure alike.

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