Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I know what you're thinking

What a stupid name for a blog.

Well, it actually has some sentimental meaning to me believe it or not. "Gomer's Pyle" was the name of my high school intramural floor hockey team. A bunch of crazy freakshows amalgamated from the swim team and the potheads; trained to a tee in highsticking and chopping. We ruled the floor....until the administration caught wind (pun intended) of our name and shut us down. They, in their infinite lack of scatological wisdom, failed to see the humor in it all. Oh well...good memories and better smoke.

This is my second attempt at blogging. The first was an unmitigated success but, alas, had to be closed down for personal reasons. Within these pages you will find enlightenment ONLY if you are extremely stupid or in a persistant vegetative state. This one is most for the fun of it all, but if you think hard enough and read long enough, there just may be some kernals in that there pyle!

Let the games begin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welome Back (I know I've already said it but I'm saying it again). I really liked your past attempt at blogging so I am sure I will enjoy this latest one too.