Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Day After Easter

Easter came and went yesterday, seeing me spend it with my parents for the first time in many years. Normally Jodi and I go to her parents house on the shores of Green Bay for a large family reunion/Easter meal...but this year I felt different about going. Too many people asking too many questions; too few explanations and answers. I felt safer celebrating with my parents, who know exactly what the score is and why I am where I am.

So she went to Green Bay and I stayed home. Of course she took the dog, so it was just me and the little man (scotch) left to bachelor it for the weekend. Not that hard when all you are doing is exercising and counting calories. I managed to clean the house...that's about it. I blew my diet on my Mom's wonderful cooking and it was worth E V E R Y bite.

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