Monday, November 13, 2006

Insert meaningless title here

What a depressing weekend. I took off work Thursday & Friday...wait a minute...Oh yeah right, I'm not employed. Start again please.

Thursday & Friday of last week I decided to do something else, and finished off my bowhunting for the year. I did not get anything, but it was more enjoyable than arguing with lawyers. Joddi and I got together and wasted some time shooting blackpowder rifles and looking for pheasants, but the REAL time waster came when I got home Saturday night.

Cinemax was running a Star Wars marathon all weekend. Episodes I - VI, back to back, and on a permanent loop! Ohhh boy, we're gonna waste some time now! I immediately got hooked and watched until early into the morning. Nevermind I have all of these on DVD. Nevermind I have seen them each 5-6 times. I came from the "original" Star Wars generation...before the advent of DVD and movie channels. You saw the movie in the cinema...and did not get to see it again unless you bought another ticket. Then you waited for years for another installment. They were NEVER on TV, and today's kids have NO idea how much anticipation that system built. Epochs in your life were measured by release dates of the original three episodes.

I felt like a kid again watching all those movies. I watched out of pure spite for all those years George Lucas strung me along as a child. I watched as if seeing my life of 38 years condensed into 14 hours of film.

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