Monday, October 23, 2006

Hawkings Paradox

In 1989 I sat down and put my thoughts about a unified theory of Quantum Mechanics and Newtonian Physics on paper in an attempt to spell out a theory I was formulating based on black holes. The paper contained not one equation because I don't know dick about the mathematics of proofs. I just knew I had a hunch...and was trying with the English language rather than the language of math to explain how it might work. When it was finished, I had another Old Milwaukee, put the paper in the cabinet, and gloated to myself how a business student from Wisconsin had furthered the explanation of the Hawking Paradox, while Nobel prize winning physicists were stumped by it.

At that time I was completely fascinated by the work of Stephen Hawking. I still am, but the paradox has not exactly been at the forefront of my thoughts for the last 17 years, until last night.

On the science channel last night was a documentary titled...of all things..."The Hawking Paradox". It is a show about the "information problem" of his black hole work of 30 years. Basically, Hawking postulated that the "information" of matter IS, in fact, lost upon entering a black hole. This blasts the basic underpinning of all science that "information (matter)is never gained or lost...just redistributed. Detractors could never stomach this idea. I watched with keen interest as the roots of the problem were laid out. Opponents of Hawking's theory were granted ample airtime to relish the fact that Mr. Hawking was now apparently conceding defeat after 30 years. He had been wrong all along, but not for the reasons set forth by his detractors. This was new information, and the crux of the show, that Hawking had a new explanation to solve himself...that is...he had an answer for the paradox he himself had created. Matter is not lost after all, and he could prove it.

It gave me goosebumps to see that in those 17 years of time, Hawking himself had made progress TOWARDS MY THEORY! They (the theoretical physicists) still don't get it, are ignoring a basic constant, and are somewhat barking up the wrong universe in my opinion; but my basic ideas of what happens to this disappearing "information" are now being provided (albeit with the proper mathematical proofs I could never dream of creating) as the underpinnings of an answer to Hawking's Paradox. Someday, I will watch the news to learn that a brilliant young theoretical physicist has won the Nobel prize for codifying the REAL force...that of time...into the answer. Until then, the answer is staring them in the face and they can't see the forest for the trees. Forget the multiple-universe theory's not needed. Look to your recycling bin for the answer.

I KNOW so because I linguistically solved this problem in 1989 over a case of Old Milwaukee, and I was apparently on the right track if "the man" himself was working on similar lines of reasoning.

I am in NO way implying that anyone stole my work or ideas. How could they? Only one other person ever read my paper, and he could not understand a word of it. I am simply pointing out the fact that my basic working model of the Paradox APPEARS to have been pointed in the right direction. Hawking and those working the problem are geniuses, I am not. Hawking et al have been trained and educated, I have not. I have no mathematical proof, nor the ability to provide such proof, and my conclusions are different than those provided by Hawking.


Evan said...

You could, anyhow, provide access to your reasoning to those who do have the training and understanding. If it's the way you say so, it could prove to be great help.

Also, you could post your reasoning, I would sure love to read it :)

Eric said...

I could also spend the day repeatedly cutting myself with a filet knife; the amount of self-mulitlation would be roughly equivelent.

Do you really think any of these people want to hear the ramblings of an enthusiast with NO training? I don't even know the terminology to converse with them. The fact that I had an idea which just might be eventually proved true is providing me some mild amusement...that's all.

If a clue is to be given for my line of reasoning, here it is:

"Infinately Small" and "Infinately Dense" black hole centers sound remarkably like the pre-"big bang" state of our current time-space universe as we understand it.