Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ahh...The Shack-Part 2

Don't you love it when you have to wait 7 days to see something? Sorry.

Anywhoo...about the shack, it was decided that a restoration was in order. The walls (what was left of them) were gutted of mice and newspaper insulation, a new roof was installed, and an ATV garage was added to one end of the structure. We poured cement after adjusting the dirt floor slope to resemble level, which resulted in a new floor that you are either walking up or down hill on depending which direction you are traveling. I guess our level was a little off. Scraps of paneling and old election signs makeup the wall coverings, and carpet remnants provide ample insulation for the mice nests.

Another piece of sage advice from Abner during the restoration: "Don't make it too nice or the women will want to come over."

His instructions were followed to a tee, as the completed job just barely...and I mean barely...qualifies for human habitation. At night you can still here the mice running around, the windows still leak frigid winter air. The wasps and Asian lady beetles have staked claim to the small upstairs attic, and only descend once the wood stove has stoked the room temperature. There is no running water, no means for a shower, and we have to haul all our consumable water up with us. It sleeps 6 in filthy comfort, and has hosted as many as 23 for a weekend. That one was REALLY interesting! The outhouse is aptly named the "Vikings Hall of Fame".

But our deer camp is not without the necessities. There are 5 gun racks, and Satellite TV for the football games. The dice are always hot, and the beer is always cold. You can always rummage some ammo from the lazy-boy chair, or eat a can of peaches from 1993. There is even a wall phone that is not hooked up, but manages to place a few calls every year when the drinking starts...mostly for pizza delivery. In's heaven.

I would not think of being anywhere else in late November.

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