Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Big Texan

My Fed Ex two day priority package just arrived which contains the bait, in the color that will supposedly win us this weekend's tournament. This is according to Joddi, who got the info from someone whose spots were as barren as the Gobi desert. I don't know why I buy (literally) into this crap. I know this guy is a color freak, and I put little credence in that generally. I think I am grasping at straws, but Joddi fawns over crap like this as if it was the second coming.

So now we have 5 bags of "Big Texan" colored Zoom plastics. I love and use thier baits all the time, but I did not have any in "Big Texan" we were sunk according to encyclopedia clueless. So to boost his confidence, I ordered $57 worth so we wont feel left out. I guarantee it will be of no importance in our eventual win, except to make Joddi feel better for having them along.

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