Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm going to hell

Saturday I will spend 8 hours in a boat. Not an easygoing, beer-laced relaxer; but a hardworking, fastpaced, pressure cooker of an event. The forecasted temperature...97 degrees & humid as a monkey's ass. The day is scheduled to begin at 3:45 AM when partner Joddi is supposed to pick me up. First flight (our flight) take off is 6:00 AM, weigh in at 2:00 PM.

So by 6:00 PM when I get home, I will not only be convection-baked, steamed and rotisseried, but I will be dead tired as well. All in the name of fun.

Hopefully I will also be $3000 richer. For some reason I am not looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

Your loyal reader wants pictures! Not of fish, not of water, but of Joddi's ass! :-)

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Eric said...

#2 you are really starting to scare me.
I can't think of a more photo UNworthy ass than his. Even mine is more palatable.

I do, however, aim to please my reader(s). So shall it be done, and maybe even with zoom.