Monday, June 26, 2006

Q' Recovery

My intestinal tract is just starting to recover from the weekends BBQ. It was GREAT!
Check for the pics soon on my flickr page. I ate so much stuff: Smoked pulled pork, smoked pork spareribs, rotisserie chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, BBQ beans, strawberries. Yikes! Did I mention all the beer? There was more beer in my house this weekend than since I quit using it as a nutritional source (college).

Anyway, it started off bad. I was majorly depressed and completely strung out about work issues Saturday morning. My incapacitation broke into anger when guests did not arrive at the time I thought they should. I was overreacting, but did not see it.
After a couple of rants...and a long spin around the countryside; I finally came to my senses and recovered. My problems are not to be displaced onto my friends...they did nothing wrong. It was me having a meltdown about things unrelated to friendships.

4 Red Stripe lagers later, I was finally able to relax and enjoy my friends and the event I had organized. I did so very much from then on. Everyone ate and ate....and ate some more. Gastronomically it was a huge success, but even more it turned out that spending time with some friends is exactly what I needed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eric-- you are so cool. It takes one heck of a man to admit that there were other issues at hand that caused you to act as you did-- :-) I wish I could but I rarely ever see outside of the tornado of my emotions