Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I should be dead

Sunday morning I was in the boat idling through the no-wake zone underneath the I-94 bridge on Lake Menomin, when something suddenly struck me. Not an object, but the memory of JUMPING OFF THAT BRIDGE as a stupid teenager. It's tall...Man is it tall! What on the deity's green Earth was I doing crawling out 30 yards on the superstructure, and then jumping in from that height? I estimate the point of departure to be 40-50 feet above the waterline. Either my huevos have shrunk or my brain has grown since then, because I would not do it today for anything...No way, no how!

Looking back, it's lucky that none of us idiots who did it died performing that little stunt.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't loose our huevos with age, we just reach a high level of common sense (most of the time)