Saturday, April 07, 2007

Turkey Hunt

If you took a mans scrotum complete with twin berries, chafed it up with a rasp, infected it with smallpox, scalded it in boiling water, then beat it black and blue with a ball would have a reasonable representation of the head of Meleagris gallopavo...The North American Wild Turkey.

Unquestionably..from the chest up..THE ugliest fucking bird on the planet. I shot this one a couple of weeks ago because, despite the looks, the eats are great.
That's John K's son Zach on the right with his similarly ugly Tom.


Donna O said...

Happy Easter, Eric!

Eric said...

I had a paid hunt down at the local park for the Easter Bunny too. We set out lots of bait (children looking for eggs), but the floppy-eared rascal never showed.

I'm getting a refund of my down payment.