Friday, July 07, 2006

HTML / CSS Idiot

Why doesn't the blog in Firefox look the same as IE? I tweak the blog till it's looking good in Firefox, then open it with IE, and lose colors and have layout problems.

What gives? Most people us IE, so this blog probably looks like crap.


Anonymous said...

I use Firefox so I opened your page in IE and it looks the same. I don't see any difference. I am going to my parents' house a little later and I can see how it looks on their machines.

Actually the only difference I see is that there is more space between the drop lists on your sidebar.

Eric said...

That's good news. I'm having trouble with the colors in the sidebar paragraphs as well as the spacing you mentioned.
There are two colors in the text paragraphs that display as intended in Fox, but are the same in IE.

Anonymous said...

I see it now that you mention it-- the quote and speaker of quote are both blue rather than blue and gray. I don't know, that is weird but IE is a horrible browser. I wouldn't worry about it.