Thursday, July 06, 2006


The second monthly meeting of the "Tainter Shores & Ridges" bookclub is approaching for my wife. The book up for discussion? "Marley & Me" by John Grogan.

Give me a break.

Some guy writes a book about his Labrador Marley who is billed as the worst dog in the world. The whole World then goes nuts for the book, laughs and cries reading it, and Mr. Grogan makes a mint. I have read a little of the book and it does produce a chuckle or two, but come on...Macy Mae makes Marley look like an altarboy. Like George from Seinfeld, Macy needs to be administered to at a location where she is the sole object of study. Entire TEAMS of dog trainers could make dissertations and careers out of dissecting her antics. Marley is a lightweight by comparison.

I guess you make your money how you can. Hudson's story would have made a more memorable dog book, but that cat is out of the bag now. Additional books on loving and living with labs will just be riding coat tails henceforth, but I at least have a working title and tagline:

Macy & Me:
The story of the dog who has chunks of dogs like Marley in her stool.

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