Monday, February 19, 2007

I MUST be F-en crazy!

All I can think about lately is starting another business! Imagine that...having not been trounced thoroughly enough by the business world...I desire to remake myself within it's twisted punishment.

You see, I am somewhat obsessive. When I get something into my head (like building a theater room), I can't stop until I know everything there is to know about it. I don't rest until I do it, and can't stop thinking of it until it's done. It's of that quirk that I should be guaranteed to find a good job. I should be focused on it. Obsessing about it. I should be living and breathing it...but I'm not, and it's ruining me.

I find myself thinking (quite responsibly) for a short spell about finding employment, then I relapse into obsessing about starting my own rodbuilding component company. Planning, calculating, dreaming, theorizing and...wishing. It's damnable frustrating because I then feel guilty for wasting so much mindfuel on what, by all accounts, would probably be a losing enterprise that would provide less of the sorely needed income than unemployment. But I can't shake it. My mind races constantly about the possibilites, stopping only briefly to engage in argument with itself about the looming realities of neglecting the search for more...ehm.."promising employment".

Then to make matters even more antagonizing, I start to wonder if all this thought and effort about being once more a "bidness" man is'nt what it's really all about. Afterall, this is how ideas become reality. This is how hard work becomes fortune. This just may be myself telling myself to go down the one true path and ignore the diversion of finding gainful employment.

Or maybe it's just me being obsessive ol'me. The same as when I saw my future wife for the first time and said aloud "that's the girl I'm going to marry". The same as when I poured every resource I could think of into how to obtain a $26,000 bassboat before I even has my drivers license to tow it around. The same as when I became convinced that Jefe and I could really build a home theater from the ground up on our own. Night and day of living the idea to the finest detail in my head, at the expense of other things around me. It's how I work. It's how I tick.

Funny thing is...they were all successful.


Donna O said...

I say, GO FOR IT! I have a feeling a 9-5 job will suck the life out of you. Why work for the man when you have an idea and the ability and desire to start your own business? I would do it in an instant if I could.

Eric said...

Somehow I knew you would say that #2. Thanks for the encouragement.

Eric said...

Oh, and BTW #2:

Will you pay my mortgage during said excursion?

Donna O said...

Will you pay my mortagage when you become a millionaire from your very successful business venture?

Eric said...
