Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Put me in Coach

I seem to be getting a new summons about every other day. Not that I don't understand why people want to sue me...I's just that being sued is complete anathema to my personality. I've always been an honest and upfront guy. Litigation is for crooks and thieves.

Ironically, being the most upstanding and honest of Humans does not make you immune from being on someones shit list. I've never sued anyone even though I could and should have many times. I guess this makes me stupid. When some of my debtors over the years have filed bankruptcy on ME, and left me with nothing to show for bills as large as $40,000, I had to step back and ask myself who really was to blame. It is the nature of business to consume every thing it can, even when you try to prevent it. The whirling black hole of corporate finance knows no self never questions it's own feeding just consumes as long as there is an available food source. My experiences on both sides of the food chain have taught me the frenzy intensifies when food sources are limited.

Credit limits, while never arbitrary, are nonetheless voluntary. IF I LET an entity feed unrestricted, it will. So who is to blame when there is nothing to pay the bill for the feast? Is it the provider or the consumer? It is almost always a case of absent resources rather than malicious intent that provokes these Corporate banquets, but it is always cooperative ignorance that allows them to continue. Guilty as charged on BOTH counts.

Looking back on all those thousands of dollars the bankruptcy system turned away from me, I tend to favor blaming myself. In those cases I allowed the feeding to continue, blinded by the revenue in the computer, and ignorant of cash in hand. It was "my bad" for the most part, as those bellying to the table were themselves driven by an opportunistic and insatiable Corporate appetite. I enabled through complicity, knowing I was victim long before it was official.

So it is with my current reversal from Creditor to Debtor. I've played compliant victim, now I am apparently malicious perpetrator. The "cycle" is complete, and those manning helms as today's latest carrion can only look forward to enjoying the reversal when their time comes to feed for free. Playing the game guarantees it's survival...and also your turn on offense.

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