Wednesday, August 09, 2006

When is enough...enough?

You are probably hating the gas prices just as much as I am, but have you done anything about it? I haven't, and it is a curious thing. I drive as much, to as many places, for as many stupid reasons as I ever did. I'm locked into a lease so I can't trade the Tahoe for some resemblence of fuel economy, and my wife and I work different schedules so carpooling is out of the question. I can't change jobs for a shorter commute. I can't move closer to my work. I can't move the grocery store next to my house. And most telling of all, no matter how hard I look, I can't find ANY trace of public transportation out here in the sticks.

But lately I find myself asking why. Why is it that I will drive 30-40 miles looking for good trout streams to fish? Why will I hook up my boat and drag it 200 miles round trip (at substantially reduced MPG I might add) to fish a lake...for fun? Why will I run to the grocery store to find an ingredient to make a specific dish to have a special dinner? Why will I drive 35 miles to find the right shotgun shell for sporting clays, when the local Wal-Mart has some that will do? Why will I endure the increased cost to maintain my lifestyle?

Why? Because gasoline equals pleasure in nearly all of America outside major metropolitan areas. Here in the Midwest, things are...seperated. My lifestyle is not a train ride across town, but miles and miles away, around, and inbetween. Things in life that are my pleasure are scattered across vast distances if they are to be pursued. Hell, the only thing within walking distance of my house are trees and cows, and I am done using cows for pleasure! Doing the things that make us happy offsets the pressure, the monotony, and the reality of everyday working life. Put a price on's more than $3.00 per gallon, and still less than Psychotherapy. I think the majority of middle class Midwesterners think the same way. Not saying it's right...just that it is. Some things will suffer in the onslaught of increased energy prices, but I'll be damned if it will be my soothing mobility.
At least not yet.


Anonymous said...

I gotta get rid of my gas guzzling '94 Chevy Caprice Classic-- 15 mpg - 25 gallon gas tank. UGH! The thing is, I would love to buy one of those cute little energy efficient cars, I'm just scared I'd look like a liberal driving one! ;-)

Eric said...

Be very afraid! Just think of it like this: with the money you saved by driving the little efficient car, you could have more to spend on frivolous, self-gratifying, little Republican dresses!