Thursday, August 24, 2006


I just read a blog written by a NYC wife who was cheated on by her husband of 7 years...with her best friend. It's called "That Girl Emily", and I am not going to post a link, but if you have ever wondered what a woman scorned really looks like, search it out on Technorati or something. The shit she does in retalilation will give you the shivers, it's just plain mean. Really mean. If it is all true (I think it is..there are photos), this guy is screwed. Some things she did to him:

1. Paid for a billboard out of their joint checking account that exposed his cheating ways, complete with her name. It was erected within sight of his office...and it was HUGE! (photos)

2. Passed out flyers on the streets near his office with his name and picture on it that said "Lost Dog" and detailed his exploits with her friend. (photos)

3. Boxed up his "secret" porn collection and sent it with a picture of him naked and bound to the bedpost (from early in their marriage)...and sent it to his parents with a note that he needed somewhere to store these during the divorce.

4. GAVE AWAY his extensive and VERY expensive wine collection to construction workers in downtown NYC.

5. Traded all his players on his fantasy baseball team away (it was his favorite hobby), and re-drafted his entire team from injured reserve players.

6. Sent an email to ALL of the persons in his work email contact list saying "FYI, I have gonorrhea. Just thought you would like to know".

7. Bought EVERY one of his female coworkers a dozen roses that came with a note "I would like to get to know you better"

8. Dumped his plasma TV and golf clubs, favorite Mets jersey and such ON THE STREET in NYC, along with the bed sheets from their bed he screwed his mistress on. This action was caught on camera and eventually posted to YouTube. You can watch it!

9. Spray painted "I hope she was worth it" down the side of his new BMW 530i.

10. Bought countless subscriptions to magazines in his name with a "bill me later", forwarded his mail to a retirement home, reported his credit cards stolen, cancelled his car insurance, reported his car stolen. Too many others to list.

Can you say Psycho? I'm not condoning his behavior...cheating is the worst form of marital torture, but she goes BERSERK on this guys life, to the extent of breaking laws. In the end, you end up feeling bad for him, not her, which I don't think was the intention of the blog.


Donna O said...

Turns out that Web site was actually an advertisement for some Court TV show about a private investigator:

Eric said...

So much for my hard hitting journalism. I suspected it a little, I mean...women are generally not that vindictive.

Thanks for exposing the truth #2.