Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Help Me!

I'm arriving...slowly at first...but with ever increasing speed, to the point where blogging again seems useless & stupid. I'm SEARCHING for blogs to link to; blogs to follow regularly and enjoy, but I can't find a piece of liquid paper I can read for more than post or two (reader #2 excepted).

To wit, I've had my fill of: Angry politicos both left and right, dimwitted teenie-boppers utilizing the sweet sixteen powerbook, bored silly housewives, angry lesbians, Christians, crafters, "carnivals" of all types, pundits (geographical or otherwise), HNT, anonymous porn actresses and would-be-writers.

Pull me from the brink peoples. This malaise KILLED my first blog. There must be intelligent life out there somewhere.


Anonymous said...

If you are thinking about killing your blog because you can't find people to link to, you shouldn't be blogging at all. Blog because you enjoy it and don't give a crap as to whether people read it or not or link to you or are linked by you. All things come with time. If you keep blogging about things you love, people with similar interests will find you and return to read more.

Of course if you are interested in getting a fast audience, keep posting pics of Joddi's ass! That's hot, man! HOT!

Eric said...

I'll ask him if he takes requests.

Seriously (and I do hope you are kidding about his ass, or I will have to reconsider what I think I know about women), your point is well taken.

It just seems the whole process would be...well...more stimulating if there was more input, more discussion, and more interesting blogs on which to reciprocate such. Thats all.

Eric said...

Oh and by the way #2, if you were NOT kidding about the ass...be prepared to take a day off sitting nude by the computer, because I have a photo of it that will prevent you from leaving the house for a while...if I can only find it, scan it and post it.