Friday, July 28, 2006

Blast Furnace Babble

I think most of the Country is in a heat wave at present, but since I am not in "most of the Country", but right here, let me give you an idea of how hot West Central Wisconsin is right now:

It's so hot, even the rednecks are using sunscreen.
It's so hot, they are actually running electricity to the trailer park.
It's so hot, cow farts are igniting.
It's so hot, a Wal-Mart cashier asked me "hot enough for ya"? Can you believe that?
It's so hot, people are actually swimming in the local lakes instead of just dumping their sewage into them.
It's so hot, I'm wearing frozen underwear.
It's so hot, I saw some girls not wearing ANY! Yahoo!
It's so hot, "crazy from the heat" has become an accepted legal defense.

And last but not least:
It's so hot, Packer fans actually smell just as bad as Vikings fans.

Stay cool Pylons (my catchy new name for anyone caught reading this blog). I'm fairly sure I will suffer heat stroke tomorrow, so look for me to be out of commission over the weekend.

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