Thursday, May 04, 2006


I have my first round of sporting clays league tonight. That means walking a course, much like golf, and shooting clays from different stands meant to simulate actual hunting conditions. It is a golf for "outdoorsmen", and I am shooting with a new team this year.

I bought a new (to me) Browning O/U to shoot the league with, but the first time I put it through the paces practicing, it was not set up properly. That, combined with my rusty shooting form, contributed to a very sorely bruised cheek for some time afterwards. I mean it was black and blue like I was hit with a ball bat. No fun.

HOPEFULLY I have the gun properly fitted now, so I won't be lowering my cheek to the comb of the stock so much. Tonight will tell. If I can't chew food tomorrow, I have more work to do.

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