Glad that's over. The surgery went fine and I'm back home and in servitude. It's not bad though...spending the next week with my wife will be a welcome change. I was joking with a friend of hers that I was going to get a little bell that she could ring to summon me. Right in front of Jodi, her friend says "Oh when I was sick, I used the intercom mode on the cordless phone to buzz my family whenever I needed something".
Thanks a lot Tracey (and NOT because it made my life any easier)!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
When will women listen?
OK, so the "sprained ankle" turns out to be much more. Jodi sought the advice of an ortho Doc when she got home, and it turns out she has torn ALL the ligaments in the lower leg/upper ankle. She is now scheduled for surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) to repair the damage and align the bones with screws to heal. 6 weeks on crutches with no weight bearing, followed by intensive physical therapy for who knows how long. I can't escape the bite of coincidence...
"SHE" is a Physical Therapist who now needs therapy in the department she heads! "I" told her she was going to get hurt going skiing after a 20 year layoff from the sport (a prescience ability I have demonstrated in the past) and...Viola...she instantly proves me right! "I" have nothing but time to take care of her, and now that's ALL I will be doing for the next 6-12 weeks!
I really do hope the surgery goes well, and I really do feel bad for her, but I can't escape the irresistible urge to say "I told you so"!
"SHE" is a Physical Therapist who now needs therapy in the department she heads! "I" told her she was going to get hurt going skiing after a 20 year layoff from the sport (a prescience ability I have demonstrated in the past) and...Viola...she instantly proves me right! "I" have nothing but time to take care of her, and now that's ALL I will be doing for the next 6-12 weeks!
I really do hope the surgery goes well, and I really do feel bad for her, but I can't escape the irresistible urge to say "I told you so"!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Her nose was pepper sunlight
This is getting so fricken ridiculous. I happened to drink a mediocre '93 Bordeaux tonight in it's entirety, and found myself again immersed in my (admittedly awesome) Hi-Fi system. One of the albums I pulled to play was Jane's Addiction "Nothing Shocking", an album from smack dab in the middle of "her" time in my life (coincidence? you decide). Songs play such a crucial role in relationships..don't you think?
The track "summertime roll" flooded my brain with memories. The whole album is great, but I can't tell you how many time we made love to this song. I'll give you some hints. I was 20...and a model physical specimen with the appetite of a porn star. I was enraptured by this album, infatuated with a beautiful woman infatuated with me, and finally in my first apartment away from home. "Daily" could be the understatement of the century.
I'm so fucking hard on myself. Why can't I just listen to music and appreciate the memories? Why do I have to immerse myself in them to the point that I compound clinical depression? Why do the memories seem to affect me more now than the experience did 19 years ago? It's to the point that I can think of nothing else for long...long periods of time? If only I had known then what strikes me dumb now. BTW, I had a 3 x 6 poster of the uncensored album cover over the headboard of my bed which, as you might think, generated A LOT of questions!
Anyway, here's a link so that you and yours can get on with the business of lurve. It's a simple little diddy, but trust me when I say that you'll imagine (and want) your hips moving to the same tempo changes!
Summertime Rolls by Jane's Addiction
The track "summertime roll" flooded my brain with memories. The whole album is great, but I can't tell you how many time we made love to this song. I'll give you some hints. I was 20...and a model physical specimen with the appetite of a porn star. I was enraptured by this album, infatuated with a beautiful woman infatuated with me, and finally in my first apartment away from home. "Daily" could be the understatement of the century.
I'm so fucking hard on myself. Why can't I just listen to music and appreciate the memories? Why do I have to immerse myself in them to the point that I compound clinical depression? Why do the memories seem to affect me more now than the experience did 19 years ago? It's to the point that I can think of nothing else for long...long periods of time? If only I had known then what strikes me dumb now. BTW, I had a 3 x 6 poster of the uncensored album cover over the headboard of my bed which, as you might think, generated A LOT of questions!
Anyway, here's a link so that you and yours can get on with the business of lurve. It's a simple little diddy, but trust me when I say that you'll imagine (and want) your hips moving to the same tempo changes!
I told her so!
Before Jodi left for Seattle, I warned her that I hoped she would not get injured. Let me explain. Susan and her family traditionally go skiing in Canada during the kids spring break. Jodi was visiting on precisely this week, hence their plans to go skiing, which now included Jodi.
Hence the warning.
Ergo the injury Jodi suffered two days ago. A SEVERLY sprained ankle (Jodi, being a physical therapist, is uniquely qualified to classify the sprain as "severe".)
She is now on crutches...and my life is forfeit the forseeable future.
Dammit all!
Hence the warning.
Ergo the injury Jodi suffered two days ago. A SEVERLY sprained ankle (Jodi, being a physical therapist, is uniquely qualified to classify the sprain as "severe".)
She is now on crutches...and my life is forfeit the forseeable future.
Dammit all!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Two things
Jodi leaves for Seattle tomorrow for a week of visiting her best friend Susan. I'm not sure how I feel about her being gone for Valentine's Day, but I have already made arrangements for some roses to be delivered to Susans's house on Thursday. It's the least I can do for all my wife does for me. Love ya honey!
Jefe has apparently received his liver transplant, because he is again planning on coming down this weekend. If you'll remember not too long ago, the two of us consumed no less than 6 bottles of wine during an X Box marathon. I swore off wine shortly thereafter, but recently I feel myself getting older and more decrepid. So now it's time for another massive antioxidant infusion to counter the effects of the aging process. My free radical count is WAY too high.
I only have 4 bottles on that will have to do.
Jefe has apparently received his liver transplant, because he is again planning on coming down this weekend. If you'll remember not too long ago, the two of us consumed no less than 6 bottles of wine during an X Box marathon. I swore off wine shortly thereafter, but recently I feel myself getting older and more decrepid. So now it's time for another massive antioxidant infusion to counter the effects of the aging process. My free radical count is WAY too high.
I only have 4 bottles on that will have to do.
P'owned you beiotch
I spent the other night getting my Xbox 360 connected to Xbox LIVE so that Jefe and I can play Halo 3 together whenever we want...him in MN and me here in WI. I gotta kinda marvel at the technology that allows two players to play and talk to each other just by signing into a common site. We have not played yet, but I'm sure it will be cool. On the other hand I can see myself in the kind of light Vince Vaughn was portrayed in the movie "The Breakup". A 30 something guy sitting with a headset microphone on in front of a big screen TV, trash-talking some 13 year old kid from God knows where, while I get my ass handed to me.
I AM just an overgrown kid. But I don't want to actually be SEEN as one!
I AM just an overgrown kid. But I don't want to actually be SEEN as one!
Friday, February 08, 2008
When I think this...I think...I shouldn't think... this.
There is no pain in only hurts to die. My macabre fascination with my middle-age arrival, means I now think more than ever about my death. Friends my age are croaking. Friends my age have kids having KIDS. Shit! I've always maintained I will not live past the age of 55, so that gives me +/- 15 years to discover the meaning of MY life before it ends. That's not a lot of time when you consider the perpetual stumbling of the first 39 years.
Flor De "I've got a headache"
I'm pretty much finished cleaning the house. Jodi has to work all weekend, so I cleaned it to take some pressure off of her. It was to be a surprise, but she surprised me by coming home at lunch and scaring the bejeezus out of me because I had the ipod cranked and did not hear her come in. You look up and someone is standing there where there wasn't someone only a second ago? Freak out time. Now what to make for dinner? Tonight it has to be great.
The trifecta of a clean house, great dinner, and the 2003 Flor De Pingus SHOULD guarantee I'm gettin' jiggy wit' it tonight. But alas, as a married man, all I can do is my best to provoke it.
The trifecta of a clean house, great dinner, and the 2003 Flor De Pingus SHOULD guarantee I'm gettin' jiggy wit' it tonight. But alas, as a married man, all I can do is my best to provoke it.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Cold luck
While ice fishing this morning, I got a terrible tangle of line in my reel. So I unscrew the front drag nut to take the spool off, and it falls into the hole in the ice and sinks. A 6" hole in a 4' x 8' shanty, and this little part magically finds it on the first bounce. I could have sat there all day and threw the thing at it and wouldn't have hit it once. That's the kind of luck I am getting used to...the bad kind.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Deflating the Pyle
A couple of hours ago I got the fastest response in my job search so far. Barely 3 days ago, I applied for a position as Director of Corporate Communications for a local company. Today I recieve an email stating that, though my qualifications are impressive, I am not being considered for the position. How do they know I would not be the best they ever had without at least talking to me? This one really deflated the ego a bit. Not only another rejection...but a goddamned fast one at that.
It's like those really, really, urgent bowel movements. The faster it comes on, the more definitive it is when it's over. Evidently after hearing from the Gomer, they could not wipe fast enough.
It's like those really, really, urgent bowel movements. The faster it comes on, the more definitive it is when it's over. Evidently after hearing from the Gomer, they could not wipe fast enough.
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