The white Russian is again my mixed drink of choice after an 18 year absence. I figure since I can't get the past (and her) out of my head, I might as well go one step further and revisit the drinks that made that period what it was. Damn! I forgot how good these things were!
White Russians at the Silver Dollar Saloon EVERY night...consume until broke. That was my college instruction manual.
What really sparked the mood was watching "The Big Lebowski" the other night. So I went out and got some Absolut Vanilla, Kahlua, and fresh cream; pretended I was Jeffery Lebowski minus the weed, and began a mixin'.
"Another Caucasian Gary" is my new battle cry.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Lil' Abner
A few weeks ago, my wife's running partner mentioned that the local Humane Society had taken in a stray Mastiff. The woman and her family were in the process of deciding whether they were going to adopt the dog. I was intrigued by the story of the dog, and decided to stop by the shelter to meet him, thinking that we might be interested in adopting him if they did not. When I saw him I was deeply moved to take him home right then, but my wife, out of respect for her friend, wanted them to have first chance. I was not very happy for a day or two...but I understood. Anyway, it turns out they did adopt him.
Guess who we got to dog-sit for on Saturday? None other than Abner the Mastiff. What a great guy he was, and now I am even more upset that we could not have him. He is an absolute LOVER and CUDDLER. I'm glad he went to a great home, but we missed out on a super dog. BTW; I can't even describe how big this guy is. My frame of reference was seriously deficient when picturing "big" dogs before I met Abner. Macy, our 73# black lab, looked like a puppy next to him. Isn't he just adorable?

Guess who we got to dog-sit for on Saturday? None other than Abner the Mastiff. What a great guy he was, and now I am even more upset that we could not have him. He is an absolute LOVER and CUDDLER. I'm glad he went to a great home, but we missed out on a super dog. BTW; I can't even describe how big this guy is. My frame of reference was seriously deficient when picturing "big" dogs before I met Abner. Macy, our 73# black lab, looked like a puppy next to him. Isn't he just adorable?
Guitar God
Jefe and I drained some wine bottles Saturday while we got caught up on each others lives. The drinking always starts slow...just a glass or two to get us started as we do the "social thing" with wives and such...then the X box comes alive and the wine flows like a river. He had recently been given Guitar Hero II for the 360, so he brought it down for us to jam. Late, late into the night we had "john the fisherman" by Primus cranking over and over again as he played bass and I played guitar. Eventually, we were so drunk we were being booed off the stage on "Easy" mode, so we made the switch to Gears of War.
After our six bottle of wine...and at 1:45 AM...I said "uncle" and told Jefe I was spent. So ended another session of working out the meaning of life. Happy to report, further work on the problem is needed, so we are planning to get together again as soon as our livers have healed.
After our six bottle of wine...and at 1:45 AM...I said "uncle" and told Jefe I was spent. So ended another session of working out the meaning of life. Happy to report, further work on the problem is needed, so we are planning to get together again as soon as our livers have healed.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Two for one special
I've got a line a job with the local Medical center. I'm checking into it Monday, but I'm not sure about working at the same place as my wife. One reason is that when I had my own business, I made it a point NOT to hire husbands and wives in case I ever had to fire or layoff one or both. I broke down one time and did it...then ended up having to lay both of them off. I felt terrible.
Funny that I have not asked HER how she would feel about me being there. I suppose I should explore that out of fairness.
Funny that I have not asked HER how she would feel about me being there. I suppose I should explore that out of fairness.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Jodi and I went to a banquet tonight thrown by her employer honoring years of service of various employees including her. One particular retiree was honored for 44 years of service, but here was the catch. The department head who introduced her and gave the "recognition speech", went on and on...and on...and on...and on. I seriously thought the elderly lady had a good chance of dying prior to being finally asked to come up to the podium and accept her award. The speech introducing her was delivered in a scatter-brained, seat of the pants fashion that ended up casting a shadow on her wonderful career because it was so fricking long. I was embarrassed for her to have to listen to such a painful retelling of her ENTIRE life story in such a numbnutz fashion.
People...if you are ever asked to perform such a function, please keep in mind a couple of things:
Not everyone in the audience gets inside jokes.
Too much detail is just that...too much.
Keep the physical comfort of your audience in mind.
10-15 "funny stories" in an introduction ends up being anything but.
Last but not least, if your honoree is above the age of 70, do not make them wait for 42 minutes to accept an award while you display your lack of organization and public speaking skills. Can I get an Amen brother!
People...if you are ever asked to perform such a function, please keep in mind a couple of things:
Not everyone in the audience gets inside jokes.
Too much detail is just that...too much.
Keep the physical comfort of your audience in mind.
10-15 "funny stories" in an introduction ends up being anything but.
Last but not least, if your honoree is above the age of 70, do not make them wait for 42 minutes to accept an award while you display your lack of organization and public speaking skills. Can I get an Amen brother!
Drivel (a kind of very cold dribble)
I might have to move my computer if this weather does not improve. This machine is sitting in a 12' x 12' sun room that is 3 sides floor to ceiling windows. Outside these windows it is now close to -18, and feet are getting damnned cold. The room is in fact freezing, even though the thermostat is set to 68 degrees. I would hate to have Xcel Energy come out to do an analysis of this room. I bet most of my heating bill goes up the chimney right in this very spot.
On the ipod is "Freezing Process" by Quicksand. Would that be irony or coincidence?
I C A N N O T S T O P P L A Y I N G T H I S S O N G ! Get outta my head!
Today marks an attempt to start thinking, acting, and blogging more positively. I looked back on some of my archived posts and came to a revelation: when I'm not crying about being so screwed because of all the crap that has happened, I manage to post some very readable material. Maybe I can work my way back to being witty, intelligent, funny and controversial. Obviously, it starts sometime after this post.
On the ipod is "Freezing Process" by Quicksand. Would that be irony or coincidence?
I C A N N O T S T O P P L A Y I N G T H I S S O N G ! Get outta my head!
Today marks an attempt to start thinking, acting, and blogging more positively. I looked back on some of my archived posts and came to a revelation: when I'm not crying about being so screwed because of all the crap that has happened, I manage to post some very readable material. Maybe I can work my way back to being witty, intelligent, funny and controversial. Obviously, it starts sometime after this post.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
You're HOW old?
Yes, today is my birthday. You can say "Happy Birthday" if you want, but it will probably be anything but that. Number's cold. I mean it's F#@$%*# COLD! The temp this morning was -14 when I got up, so that kind of puts a little damper on celebration activities. There will be no ice fishing today. No thank you! This Arctic blast has been going on for about a week now, and I'm sick of it.
Secondly, well...there's all that other stuff going on. The significance of the B-Day is that I have managed to ingest another year of it. Tomorrow, the cup will start to fill again with my 40th year of shit, which I will Jonestown-like consume next January 22nd, all the while proclaiming myself wiser and stronger for having done the previous 39 doses. Unlike the Rev. Jones though..I have no followers. Not a SINGLE B-day card in the mail! It's like Molly Ringwald in 16 Candles...except there is no one to "forget"...there is just "no one".
Contrary to popular opinion, there is a bit of good news around here. Jefe is making the pilgrimage to my house this weekend for some wine and X-box. Should be fun. I have not tied on a good drunk in about 3 days, so I'm due.
Secondly, well...there's all that other stuff going on. The significance of the B-Day is that I have managed to ingest another year of it. Tomorrow, the cup will start to fill again with my 40th year of shit, which I will Jonestown-like consume next January 22nd, all the while proclaiming myself wiser and stronger for having done the previous 39 doses. Unlike the Rev. Jones though..I have no followers. Not a SINGLE B-day card in the mail! It's like Molly Ringwald in 16 Candles...except there is no one to "forget"...there is just "no one".
Contrary to popular opinion, there is a bit of good news around here. Jefe is making the pilgrimage to my house this weekend for some wine and X-box. Should be fun. I have not tied on a good drunk in about 3 days, so I'm due.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Oh God, I really don't want to do this
I'm almost scared to post about new music I discover...with my only reader in love with Edith Piaf and the cast of a 70's comedy show labeled after distant primate relatives...I feel sadly misunderstood. I feel I missed the boat somehow by not being a nerd. Ironically, that might make me one. How odd.
But I must alert the world to a groundbreaking band that past me by. Apparently, this band was a huge success out East in the early 90's, but never caught on around here. I can vouch for that...because I have never heard them. They are called "quicksand" and they are simply great. They don't move me, there are NO rhapsody links here and no musical reviews for me to be basted later about. Just the fricken name this time around, just like the good old days. You know, when you told your buddy about a band and he said "I'll have to pick up the album".
Do the damn work yourselves...just like I had to. HA!
Can you all sense that I am on edge lately? I find myself walking around wishing someone would pick a fight with me.
But I must alert the world to a groundbreaking band that past me by. Apparently, this band was a huge success out East in the early 90's, but never caught on around here. I can vouch for that...because I have never heard them. They are called "quicksand" and they are simply great. They don't move me, there are NO rhapsody links here and no musical reviews for me to be basted later about. Just the fricken name this time around, just like the good old days. You know, when you told your buddy about a band and he said "I'll have to pick up the album".
Do the damn work yourselves...just like I had to. HA!
Can you all sense that I am on edge lately? I find myself walking around wishing someone would pick a fight with me.
Great News!
The high paying job I was being considered for is NOT going to be created! Isn't that just so exciting. The company decided not to make personnel changes until next year! To top it off, it only took a three week vacation for someone to decide that, and another for them to let me know! I am now free to continue my downward slide, complete with dangerous laziness and growing marital destruction. What a relief. That was a close call.
Sometimes I just want to check out...for good.
Sometimes I just want to check out...for good.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Past, Present, no Future
Still no word on the potential job I'm waiting to hear on..."future boss" must be a procrastinator, and therefore I shall fit right in. Maybe this week.
Not much is happening around here. My daze of nostalgia has waned some in the past week. I can't really describe the feelings I was having; partly because I don't know who might be reading this, and partly because it was so darned unusual for me. I live for the "now" and always have. I can describe how it started though.
I was doing an honestly unrelated Internet search and happened to find an article that shocked me senseless...about an old girlfriend. Now I know what you're thinking, and it's not true. It was almost pure coincidence. Nevertheless, the article was about her brother who unknown to me, had suffered a skiing accident last year that left him a quadriplegic. I could not believe it, and it affected me quite profoundly.
Since I read that story, I have been living in 1990. Back in College, no cares, no responsibilities, and a bright future. It really has served to point out the vast gulf between what I thought would happen and what actually has. Similarly, I keep thinking about her being in a landslide of change. I wonder how she is coping?
Anyhoo...that is what set the brain to wandering. It might as well have been a hundred years ago.
Not much is happening around here. My daze of nostalgia has waned some in the past week. I can't really describe the feelings I was having; partly because I don't know who might be reading this, and partly because it was so darned unusual for me. I live for the "now" and always have. I can describe how it started though.
I was doing an honestly unrelated Internet search and happened to find an article that shocked me senseless...about an old girlfriend. Now I know what you're thinking, and it's not true. It was almost pure coincidence. Nevertheless, the article was about her brother who unknown to me, had suffered a skiing accident last year that left him a quadriplegic. I could not believe it, and it affected me quite profoundly.
Since I read that story, I have been living in 1990. Back in College, no cares, no responsibilities, and a bright future. It really has served to point out the vast gulf between what I thought would happen and what actually has. Similarly, I keep thinking about her being in a landslide of change. I wonder how she is coping?
Anyhoo...that is what set the brain to wandering. It might as well have been a hundred years ago.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Another year...another dissapointment
You know damn well you are a pessimist when you can be depressed about a New Year on the second day of it. There just isn't much to look forward to. More death and destruction in the Middle East, an election year, job worries, my melancholy demeanor.
I seem to be in a funk. My mind is completely engrossed in the past recently. It's becoming dangerous. I can think of nothing else. The ease of regression is so much greater than the urge to move forward. Is this the mid-life crisis? I thought I already went through that? That was what the blue Corvette was for, wasn't it?
At least my path...however rocky...extends into another year. For that I am thankful.
Happy New Year to you eternal optimists.
I seem to be in a funk. My mind is completely engrossed in the past recently. It's becoming dangerous. I can think of nothing else. The ease of regression is so much greater than the urge to move forward. Is this the mid-life crisis? I thought I already went through that? That was what the blue Corvette was for, wasn't it?
At least my path...however rocky...extends into another year. For that I am thankful.
Happy New Year to you eternal optimists.
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