For the first time in 27 years, the building that was my life looks different. I have never seen the parts room, shop office, drivers lounge and machine shop completely empty. The parts room (with the exception of changing inventory) looked EXACTLY on the day of the sale, as it had when I first saw it in 1980 and everyday since then. Now it is totally empty. It is like seeing your spouse of 27 years come home with plastic surgery, a new hairstyle and a change of wardrobe all in the same day. The familiarity is gone in a second...replaced by someone you struggle to accept
An old friend whose familiar smell and sounds now stands completely lifeless, has finally succumbed to the withering disease that has been our last years. In some ways, it is the saddest part of the whole damn thing. This place used to pulse with life and activity...filled with the oddest mix of characters you would ever want to meet. Someday I may bore you with some of the more interesting ones, but for now, I sit in solemn silence surrounded by the memories and material of what once was flowing lifeblood.